Uh oh...
The past 45 minutes I've been at work, the power has been out-- it wasn't my fault this time, I swear!
I went on my lunchbreak, since there was nothing else to do. I was hoping to get sent home--no power + no phone calls + no faxes = no work for this chocolate milk girl. Sadly, the power is now back on.
When I wrote the entry about the book Sock, I forgot to tell you the best thing I learned when I read it: FBI is not an acronym. Neither is CIA, PTA or ESL. Those are all initialisms. It's true. Go look up initialism in the dictionary if you don't believe me.
The only time something is an acronym is if the letters spell a new word and are referred to by the new word. So if FBI were an acronym, we would say "FuhBee" or maybe "FuhBye" but not "EffBeeEye." Same thing with PTA: "PuhTaa" or "PuhTay" but never "PeeTeeAay" Personally, I think all those words would be a lot cooler if they were acronyms, but that's just my opinion. When I have kids, I'll go to the PuhTay meetings, and I'll know when to call an acronym an acronym.
Also, I'm sure you knew that laser(Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) was an acronym, but did you know that radar (Radio Detection and Ranging) is one too? And even more words we use every day, like hello (Human Elocution Lauditorally Locating by Orbit) and tea (Tiny Earth Atoms) might be acronyms too! Just think of all the words that might be more than one word! It's like being a little kid again, and trying to interpret your parents:
"She said no...do you think she meant 'no not now', or 'no never'? Let's ask again."
That's the best thing about books, you learn so much stuff that just expands your world. I'm going to go tell my boss that our company name isn't an acronym...I bet he's dying to know.
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