I like chocolate milk very much

We'll eat you up we love you so!

Friday, December 02, 2005

The Trouble with Thirsty Thursday...

The trouble is that the next day is Friday.

I over slept this morning. I woke up at 7:26, I have to leave my apartment at 7:42. That's 16 minutes for any of you who are wondering. But, amazingly, not only did I get dressed, do my hair, brush teeth etc., make a lunch, grab breakfast, spill and clean up an entire container "crunchy alfalfa sprouts-grown in Wisconsin, naturally!" and remember to bring the game I need for babysitting tonight, but I was early to work!*

My roommate, when she saw me carrying my large bright-pink "Ghost Party" boardgame, inquired if it was my day to bring a boardgame to work. Ha ha. However, when I got to work (still being half asleep) I walked halfway to my desk....carrying my large bright-pink "Ghost Party" boardgame. sweet.

*I intentionally left "put on makeup" off of the list, because due to a great move on my part, I didn't wash my face last night and my makeup still looked great. Voila!
What a great time-saving device. Too bad there's not more things I could do at night to save time in the morning, you know, like sleeping in work clothes. Maybe I'll try that Sunday night to smooth the "Monday morning/going to work sucks" transition.