How did you like it?
All the best blogs have a rating system. Therefore, I realize that my blog desperately needs a rating system. Otherwise my blog will feel left out, just like the 8th graders who don't have cell phones, ipods, AND digital camaras. My blog must have the best advantages, for the internets can be so cruel.
My rating will be (of course) in terms of chocolate milk. The best rated items will not only get more chocolate milk, but their chocolate milk will be of a higher quality.
Ratings are as follows, from best to worst:
5 /5 = a glass of delicious chocolate milk--the kind that comes pre-made and you don't have to stir or shake--and a pudding pop (so good you must be in heaven).
4 /5 = a glass of Nestle's Qwik (very very satisfying).
3/5 = a glass of Hershey's syrup mixed with milk (not great, but not complaining).
2/5 = a glass of chocolate slim fast (not that good, but with some redeeming value).
1/5 = a glass of milk with not enough chocolate mixed in (lame).
0/5 = no chocolate milk, but in fact the Gallon Challenge (makes me want to throw things, or throw up).
At 2:51 PM,
bmo said…
Very nice, I likes it a lot.
At 3:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
I rate this rating system 4/5 rapping capitalists.
At 9:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
hmmm...i'm a little sad to see that rich chocolate ovaltine didn't make it into the rating list at all, i mean, it is by far the best of the mixable chocolate milks, AND it has vitamins and minerals...i'm just saying...
At 8:12 AM,
the chocolate milk girl said…
hmmm...point taken. I haven't really drank Ovaltine since we were kids. I don't drink it, so I'll say that's not why it's on the list. Also, it would have to go underneath Nestle's, because Nestle's is better, but it doesn't fit the #3 rating, because it is better than Hershey's syrup chcolate milk. So it would have to be a 3.5/5, and I'm not sure I want to go there.
At 9:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
i appreciate your response, and also that you recognize that it would indeed be better than hersheys (which really is not great at all). i also understand that you are making a rating system, and therefore must draw the line somewhere! i did want to say; however, that i have not had nestle's quik since i can remember (ever?!?) so i think perhaps we should plan an event where you and i can both try that which we have not had in a long time and expand our horizons...:)
At 9:45 AM,
the chocolate milk girl said…
A chocolate milk extravaganza! I like the way your mind works (though your lack of capitalization doesn't speak well to your grammer-nazi tendencies).
1. I just realized that we both wrote "hmmm..." to start our posts.
2. there should also be pudding pops at the "Chocolate Milk Extravaganza"
3. I won't make you drink chocolate milk mixed with orange juice again.
At 10:17 AM,
bmo said…
Chocolate Milk with OJ??? Anna that is just mean, Brilliant, but mean. Emily I can't believe you actually drank that shit. You must have been a real push-over. That or aAnna said you couldn't do it and you being you had to prove her wrong. Or was this back when you were 3 or something?
Also I just noticed that the word 'prove' is one of those dumb words that isn't spelled correctly, how do you get two different sounds out of the same kind of spelling. . . 'Cove', 'prove', come to think of it 'move' does it too. damn you english, its a wonder I can spell at all.
At 2:28 PM,
the chocolate milk girl said…
I don't really remember the circumstances of that, actually. Do you remember, Em?
At 4:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Do I? Like I could was actually a combination of Brian's two ideas. I was young, but still old enough to make my own decisions and as I remember it Anna mixed them and then told me that she had done it before and it was really good, but that I would not be able to drink it. Not to be outdone I of course had to, but (and this is the part that is difficult to admit)I honestly didn't think it was all THAT bad, so I said I thought it was great to swing the power my way...sadly all it did was make her mix more which I had to drink. It was a vicious cycle and I should have just realized I had lost because from then on she would always tell people I loved to drink orange juice mixed with chocolate milk (as though it happened often) which I couldn't deny or she would know she won. It freaked people out...:( ok Anna, you won. There, I said it.
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