I like chocolate milk very much

We'll eat you up we love you so!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

2006: Now with More Resolution

To prevent my blog from becoming too vapid, pointless, shallow, or silly* I have decided to dedicate this Tuesday's post to New Year's Resolutions. I will use this blog to better myself by keeping myself accountable to my New Year's Resolutions.

Last Year's Resolution: Wear more Black eyeliner

2005 update: I did very well at the beginning, but wussed out as spring waned. Towards June I peaked, with heavy usage through July and August. Toned back again in September due to work. This will not do.

This Year's Resolution: Appear friendly in public

also: Continue wearing lots of black eyeliner.

also: more happy hour

2006 two-week update: First off, I need to buy black eyeliner. "Plum" just doesn't get the same effect, although it does enhance my natural eye color.

Last night I went to the Spyhouse for hot chocolate (also delicious) and to do homework for grad school. I was not friendly, and I know for a fact that I had my mean face on. I can't help it!

there have been no happy hours

I'm failing at 2006

*this is a lie. I like my blog those ways.


  • At 12:31 PM, Blogger bmo said…

    I think you need to maybe expaned on your 2006 resolution. Like the over all theme is to 'Appear friendly in public but there are A's B's and C's to the whole thing. For example:

    2006 Resolution : Appear Friendly in pulic

    A: this rule will not apply if for any reason I wake up and hate the day.

    B: there are some people that you never have to be nice to. These people will be determined by me as I see fit.

    C: Appearing nice does not imply that I have to laugh at shitty jokes.

    And so on and so forth. I just think its more realistic this way.

    Also, GO 2005 Resolution!

  • At 11:30 AM, Blogger the chocolate milk girl said…

    Brian: please note the difference between being nice and appearing nice. I'm not resolving to BE nice, just to seem nice from a distance. Although I agree wholeheartedly with A.

  • At 1:41 PM, Blogger bmo said…

    Good point. I would never actually expect you to be nice. wow, that would be a complete waste of a new years resolution.

    Ok that sounds really mean. What I meant to say is that you seem to use ,what I deemed 'Rule B' above, quite a lot.

  • At 4:05 PM, Blogger the chocolate milk girl said…

    I may never speak to you again.

  • At 10:06 AM, Blogger bmo said…

    your the one that always says you have a 'black heart' or what ever that is. Personally I have never thought that, its just you bring it up all the time so I just roll with it. Sorry.


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