I like chocolate milk very much

We'll eat you up we love you so!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

S.o.a.P, Flowers, and Clumsiness

How do Snakes on a Plane, Flowers, and Clumsiness relate, you wonder? Well dear readers, I shall tell you.

It all began with a simple trip to the
Como Park Conservatory with a certain gentleman of my acquaintance.

If you live in the Twin Cities and have never visited the Conservatory, you really really ought. It is a tropical wonderland full of enormous palm trees, exotic orchids, and a pond full of real live
Koi! I love going there because, well, I like plants--but also because it is such a refreshing escape from city life.

Ok, I'm done with my advertisement. On with the stories.

Well, they have recently renovated the Conservatory and added on some new rooms. I'm very excited because one new room is a rainforest room, and it's going to have animals! I have always been fascinated by the rainforest, while at the same time knowing that I'm a little too girly about bugs to want be in it for a long time. Well now, thanks to Como Park, I get the best of both worlds! There is going to be a Sloth! Sloth!

Another addition to to the Conservatory is the Gift Shop. This is not your average gift shop. . . I mean, in a way it IS your average gift shop in that they sell gifty type items. However, this is a really fun gift shop with lots of fun items.

Translation: there are a lot of toys.

My companion for the afternoon--Mister--and I spent no little time playing with puppets, animal masks, marionettes and various other amusements in the shop. Well, Mister gets the bright idea to put a giant spider on my shoulder whilst I am looking at something else.

Now, dear readers, I don't know if I have shared this with you or not, but I am TERRIFIED of spiders. It is, I know, completely irrational. I know this. I also knew, in my mind, that the spider was fake. In my mind that is. This knowledge did not prevent me from freaking out.

Mister thought he was quite funny after this.

Fortunately for me, there were two important things that I realized/remembered. 1. the gift shop had bins full of rubber snakes. 2. Mister is totally creeped out by snakes. So being the nice forgiving person that I am, I crouch down and pick out a nice icky feeling snake and throw it a few feet so that it hits Mister. He freaks out a bit and throws it back towards me. I think that my behavior is hilarious and that I have been extremely clever. In fact, I'm laughing so hard as I crouch on the floor that I lose my balance and fall over. Ha ha. the joke turned out to be on me after all.

"Anna" means full of grace. I can only assume it means the other kind.


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