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We'll eat you up we love you so!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

I've had it with these snakes!*

I believe in my last post that I failed to make the connection between rubber snakes at the Conservatory and "Snakes on a Plane" By way of explanation I will reproduce (cut and paste, actually--God bless technology) an email that I received the day after the Conservatory snake throwing.

Re: Snakes on an Audience


I've been thinking for a while that it would be really fun/ny to buy as many rubber snakes as possible and throw them out over the audience at the first midnight showing of SoaP. Over the weekend, Amanda brought home this catalog from work (that you need to see) and they actually sell big bags of rubber snakes! For a mere $5 you can order a bag of 6 dozen 7" snakes in 6 different varieties! I plan on ordering at least two bags and I think Ben is going to get one too! That's 18 dozen, or 216 rubber snakes! August can't come soon enough."

I couldn't say it better myself: August can't come soon enough.

*Sam Jackson quote from the trailer. . .Man, what a line.


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