Dream a Little Dream of Me
Reasons I Hate Dreaming.
by: The Chocolate Milk Girl
2. My dreams suck. I can't tell you the last time I had a pleasant fun crazy dream. My dreams are always weird and unsettling, and I often have nightmares. Usually it's just a bunch of random stuff that I was thinking about the day before put together in some sort of unpleasant context. Because of this I don't really put a whole lot of stock in 'dream interpretation.' My dream interpretation goes like this: Last night I was reading the hobbit; Sam Gamgee was in my dream. Last night I was thinking about chocolate milk; in my dream, the sacrificial babies came from the dairy aisle in the grocery store. Last night I was thinking about my friend whose going away party I feel bad about skipping; in my dream she wouldn't talk to me and I felt bad. Whoa, those are deep, man.
3. In the interest of honesty, I do occasionally have what I call 'adventure dreams' which are not entirely unpleasant. In these dreams I'm usually a spy, war liaison, or adventurer. These dreams are very suspenseful and are often quest dreams. There is always a very pervasive sense of evil that I am fleeing or fighting against. They are usually scary, and involve death. I don't usually count these as 'bad' dreams, because I wake up with a sense of wanting to continue the dream to find out what happens. But really, they're not good dreams and I'd still rather not have them.
4. Real life examples:
a. A plane crashes in the back yard, containing my mother who is calling for me to help her, but I am too scared to help her because the plane might blow up. I wake up crying.
b. A giant dog is force-fed babies, and when the dog can't fit the baby in it's mouth, and man cuts the baby up. I wake up yelling, "You FUCKER."
c. A serial killer (a la Se7en) leaves a series of clues to his latest victim, who I find out was a former boyfriend. It is my fault he is dead because the killer is after me. I realize that the next victim will be my current boyfriend, and wake up bawling my eyes out.
d. (last night's dream) All my friends hate me. I wake up bawling.
I can't wait to go to sleep and have more dreams!
Other people may have insightful, wonderful dreams that make sleeping a meaningful and pleasant experience. That's just wonderful for them. Me? I hate dreaming.
The End