I like chocolate milk very much

We'll eat you up we love you so!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

awww man....

I knew that this morning was too good to be true. I woke up instantly with the first tones of my alarm (this is because I 'accidentally' went to sleep at 6:00 pm and therefore had been sleeping for about 13 hours). Regardless of the reason, it was a great feeling to wake up instantly and feel so refreshed. I made myself a good lunch, washed the dishes, put toast in the toaster for breakfast, and I even made my bed and cleaned up my room! Then it was time to leave for work, so I got in the car and drove to work, feeling on top of the world and already full of accomplishment. As I settled into my morning work routine, turning on lights, printers, etc. I suddenly felt a little growl in my stomach...Yes, you guessed it. I wrote that I "put toast into the toaster" but I never wrote that I ate it. Because I didn't. It's still sitting in the toaster, stone cold right now instead of sitting in my stomach filling me with peanut butter and jelly fullness.

I didn't get to post yesterday because I (eep!) was actually busy working all day. Heh, imagine that. There was some office passive aggression thrown my way by another worker. I'm not going to waste my time writing about it, but let's just say that some people never get out of the 'middle school girl' stage whether female or not. So annoying.


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