*Good* things about this week
1. Finishing a big project due for class on Tuesday. Spent much time working on it. Then, after handing it in, finding out that it was only worth 10 points. Ten, that's it.
2. Not being late to class. I got to be there for every minute of boring lecture, every stupid pontificatory question/statement made by people in my class who like to hear themselves speak, and I also got to hear everyone's explanations of how exactly they interpreted the project, and was that ok, because according to the syllabus, that should have been ok, and they should not be penalized for interpreting it that way, because in class the Professor said this, so that's why they did it that way. Ok?
3. Staying home from work on Wednesday.
--Roommate: sick
--Co-worker: sick
--Library school friend Amanda: sick
I didn't have a chance, especially since I didn't get that new immune system I asked Santa for this past Christmas.
Things that make me act like a baby:
1. Sore throats
2. Cough syrup*
3. Cough drops*
4. Not having straws to drink out of when sick.
5. Sore throats
6. Spiders (not sickness related)
7. Having to leave the house when sick
8. Sore throats
9. Cough syrup/Drops*
10. Sore throats
*medicine that you can taste.
At 10:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
The Cob is also sick, so you can add him to your list o' sickies.
I am feeling a little strage about not Triple Rocking it tonight. It seems like the Earth might spin off of its axis or something. I'm scared.
At 10:37 AM,
bmo said…
Did you guys hear the new NOFX song? I posted about it on bitches not that you guys visit bitches on boats but the post is called 'gots to love the nofx' on Feb. 23. The reason I ask is because it is a song about the Triple Rock.
Also Anna, I am not sure how many times you have been sick already this year, but I can assure you that santa is an asshat. I think that I am going to build you a bubble, then you can be Little Anna Renee "The Girl In A Bubble Whom Likes Chocolate Milk Very Much". It would be a whole new look for you.
At 10:39 AM,
bmo said…
I'm an idiot. That link up there is the wrong link, its to a page that tells you what weird holidays there are, you should look up your birthday. Anyway, here is the link to Bitches on Boats.
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