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Friday, February 03, 2006

Bestowing Wisdom

Since I have achieved such wisdom in life, I thought that I should start sharing it with the people I care most about: my blog readers.

Today's topic will be 'Note-taking Strategies for School and Beyond'

Tip #1.
If you won't be tested on it, don't bother!

Tip #2
Don't waste time writing down small details--focus on the big and important things.

Tip #3
If you find your attention wandering during the meeting or class, change your note-taking strategy.
ie: if you are trying to take notes on photosynthesis and you just can't pay attention, try writing a note to a colleague or classmate--it doesn't even have to be on photosynthesis since you will be giving it away and not using it to study/work from. Instantly you will become fully attentive--magic!

In case you doubt my strategies, I will recreate (without altering) some notes that I took during a recent business meeting.

400 = level 4
500 = level 2

Nasty perfume
nose twitch while talking
says 'matrixes' vs. 'matrices'
hair = fur
giant snap sweater in 80's day glo.

By studying these notes, I can see that our marketing sales rep clearly needs a millennium makeover and a grammar lesson.

Go forth and take good notes, dear readers.


  • At 2:27 PM, Blogger bmo said…

    your notes look nothing like my notes:

    0x700E 28,686 36850
    0xDB81 56,193 9343
    0xB7FF 47,103 18433

    I think I am doing something wrong!

    And yes, saddly, I know what that all means.

  • At 11:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have no idea what that means, but only because you provided it out of context, brian...


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